Pain Solution/Wings of Desire is proud to announce that we have teamed up with Geir “Dr. Hook” Sivertzen, legendary hook designer for O. Mustad & Søn A.S.—yes, that Mustad!—to develop two traditional hooks specifically for body suspension. These hooks will be produced by Mustad—the world’s premier hook maker and the company who revolutionized hook manufacturing in Gjøvik, Norway in 1877.
It will be a traditional hook for Body Suspension based on two of our community’s most popular and trustworthy hooks, perfected by a master of hook design. The PSX series is the ultimate traditional hook for Body Suspension. Offered in 8ga [3mm] (PSX1 #9/0) and 6ga [4mm] PSX2 #12/0, these hooks are produced to the same, exacting, tolerances that Mustad uses for its industry-leading fishing hooks. Optimized for use by the Body Suspension community, they are made of stainless steel and manufactured in a six-step process by the world’s premier hook manufacturer to ensure strength, corrosion resistance, uniformity, and a tapered tip engineered to give a perfect connection between hook and needle.
We have never seen hooks as good as Mustad’s hooks for body suspension. Wings of Desire has travelled the world and used many different hooks but we have never seen any hooks that can match the strength of Mustads. We have had access to every piece of gear available and we always come back to Mustad. Mustad hooks are simply the strongest, most comfortable, standard hook we have ever used. The problem has always been that removing the barb and re-polishing hooks is time-consuming. It also means that each hook is unique in two, undesirable ways: 1, the strength of each hook can vary depending on the amount of reheating the metal endures during the grinding process and 2, each hook has a different taper making the needle fit different every time. The PS Hooks are barbless, polished, and optimized for needle fit from the factory. Anyone who has ever prepared barbed hooks for suspension use knows why this offering is revolutionary!
We know that Gilsons and Blacksheeps are great tools for body suspension and are the absolute best tools for certain applications (we use both frequently in addition to selling both styles) but they will never substitute the traditional hook. We are making these hooks so that the Body Suspension Community will finally have access to hooks that are shaped, forged, hardened, and polished by Mustad—fulfilling a dream and a need that we have had for years!
If you, or your team, is looking to get classic hooks, barbless and with a smooth taper, hooks that are consistent with the Mustad hooks you know so well, hooks that don’t require any de-barbing and polishing, hooks that are made by the world leading hook manufacturer, hooks produced specifically for Body Suspension by Mustad commissioned by Pain Solution and yours truly: get over to the crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo now!